Area News



EU-China Summit on Industrial Cluster Cooperation | Wuxi-Chengdu-Qingdao (7-11 novembre)

The EU-China Summit on Industrial Cluster Cooperation (November 7-11 | Wuxi-Chengdu-Qingdao) will focus on projects of cutting-edge technologies, modern high-end, green and low-carbon industries in Europe, and create the EU- China Industrial Innovation Zone, an innovation-led development zone for modern high-end international industrial cooperation, to deepen EU-China trade, investment and technological cooperation and build an efficient exchange platform.

B2B Matchmaking Sessions
Pre-arranged matchmaking meetings will provide you with the unique opportunity to meet potential partners in Internet of Things, integrated circuits, biomedicine, software and information technology services, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials, new energy, automobiles and auto parts, high-end equipment, textile and apparel, etc.
Inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted 1:1 meetings promises knowledge gain and new business contacts.

Focused Sectors 
- New Energy
- Bio-Medicine
- Vocational Education
- Internet of Things
- Intelligent Manufacturing
- Cross-Border E-Commerce
- Automotives & Auto Parts
- Agriculture & Food
- Aviation Service Industry

Why Wuxi?
1. The Top 10 of China City of Comprehensive Competitiveness
2. GDP per capita: USD 25K ranked 2nd in China
3. 4627 Sq. kilometers, 6.5 million permanent residents
4. 162 listed enterprises, ranked top 10 in China with 1 trillion market valuation
5. High-way: 1.5-2 hours' drive to the main economic cities in the Yangtze River Delta region: Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou

Why To Participate?
- Extend vour international business network
- Generate cross-border contacts and contracts
- Find new business/technology partners and customers
- Promote your product and empower your status in the market
- Meet new technologies
- Get connected with your region

How Can You Benefit From This Event?
- Publish and showcase your products, projects, business needs to other participants
- Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
- Stay one step ahead of your competitors
- Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a timely and cost efficient way

For more information:

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