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50th Anniversary of China-Italy Relations Round Table by Vittorino Colombo Foundation

On December 18, 2020 Giovanni Lovisetti, our Senior Associate in Milan who has been recently appointed Secretary of the Vittorino Colombo Foundation, will moderate a round table arranged by the Foundation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Chinese-Italian diplomatic relations.
Invited panelists include the Economic and Commercial Commissioner of the Consulate General of PRC in Milan – Ms. Shu Luomei; the President of Italy-China Foundation – Mr. Mario Boselli; the Secretary of Italy – ASEAN Association – Ms. Alessia Mosca; prominent Chinese and Italian entrepreneurs in different industries (Pharma, Home Appliance, Infrastructure, Fashion), scholars and further important personalities from China and Italy.
The participants will share their view over the current status of bilateral relations and their future expectations of the relationship.
You can join the round table (in Italian) here.

The Vittorino Colombo Foundation was established in 1996 to follow in the footsteps of its namesake, Vittorino Colombo. Vittorino was an Italian Senator who served in the important role of improving the relationship between China and Italy. During his tenure, he met a number of high-ranking Chinese politicians, including Deng Xiaoping, who navigated China’s economic opening up.


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Italy China Council Foundation

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