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Balance of Efficiency and Fairness in International Arbitration: the Impact of COVID 19 - Online event

In addition to the impact on people’s health and world’s economy, the rise of Covid 19 pandemic also brought new issues that affect international arbitration. We have seen arbitration hearings postponed or cancelled, conflicting concerns on how to proceed arbitration procedures, and legal questions on whether and to what extent contractual claims are enforceable The evolution of dispute resolution follows the demands of users, some digital technologies have already been adopted to meet the new demands under the Covid 19 circumstance However, efficiency and fairness, as two core principles in arbitration, should not be neglected no matter what new technological tools we are using or what new challenges we are facing in arbitration.

As a side event of China Arbitration Week, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ( together with Dentons,co organized this online event Our panel of experts will share their thoughts and outline the key points on the balance the Efficiency and fairness in arbitration and possible solutions for conducting arbitration hearings in context of Covid 19. 

                                                                                25 September 2020
                                                                                         10:00 am 
                                                                     Online event in English language



Junyi Bai - Head of China Desk in Italy
Partner at Dentons


Marco Bettin
Chief Operating Officer of Fondazione Italia Cina and Secretary General of Italy China Chamber of Commerce

Maria Beatrice Deli
D|R Arbitration & Litigation Italian
Association for Arbitration AIA

Yong (Cathy) Liu
General Counsel at COFCO International

Roberto F. Lipari
International Arbitration
Partner at Dentons

Qikun Zhang
Associate Professor at Central University of Finance and Economics China

Yang Cui
CIETAC European Arbitration Center
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