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EU SME Centre: November 2023 Appointments

China for First-Time Exporters: How to Approach the Chinese Market | Online event
24 November 2023: 9:00 – 10:30 Brussels Time | 16:00 – 17:30 Beijing Time

European SMEs face a significant opportunity as well as a formidable challenge when they consider entering the Chinese market. Lack of substantial resources and experience can make navigating the intricate regulatory and cultural landscape of China a daunting task. Notably, customs regulations, certification prerequisites, and licensing procedures pose frequent hurdles. Building relationships with Chinese partners and attracting customers’ interest can also prove difficult.
On 24 November, the EU SME Centre and Voka – Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry are organising a webinar to give European SMEs an informative overview of the Chinese market. The event aims to give new exporters the knowledge necessary to conduct business in China, with a focus on partner identification and contract signing. 
The webinar will feature practical cases highlighting the primary challenges faced by EU SMEs and essential precautions to mitigate potential issues.

Agenda (Brussels Time)
9:00 – 9:20 Welcoming remarks
EU SME Centre introduction - Voka introduction
9:20 – 10:00 How to Approach the Chinese Market: Peculiarities and Trends
Alessio Petino, Business Advisor, EU SME Centre
10:00 – 10:30 Q&A session
>>> Click here to register

Photovoltaic Power Prospects for European SMEs in China | Online & in Shenyang
24 November 2023: 9:00 – 10:30 Brussels Time | 16:00 – 17:30 Beijing Time

Decarbonisation of the electric power system is key to achieve the “double carbon” target under which China aims at reaching peak carbon use by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. However, to meet the target, businesses operating in the country cannot simply stop using coal power; they have to integrate multiple sources of energy and optimise the combination of source.
Among renewable energy sources, solar photovoltaic power generation plays an important role. Its advantages make it particularly suitable to meet today’s energy challenges and place it at the centre of the power supply system of the future, which will need to succeed in both generating and storing energy.
On 24 November, the EU SME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China are organising a hybrid workshop to discuss the current policies, technologies and engagement of European SMEs in solar photovoltaic power generation in China.
This event is designed to help European SMEs understand the regulatory landscape of green energy and the pros and cons of photovoltaic power compared with other green energy options. During this event, prominent industry players and analysts will share their best practices and guide SMEs on where and how they can build up a low-carbon electric power system.

Agenda (Beijing Time)
15:30 – 16:00 Registration at the venue - For onsite participants in Shenyang only
16:00 – 16:10 Welcoming remarks - EU SME Centre and European Chamber introduction
Harald Kumpfert, Chair of Sustainability Forum of European Chamber Shenyang Chapter
16:10 – 16:30 Current and Future Trends of PV Industrial Development under the “Double Carbon” Policy
Managing Representative, ABB
16:30 – 16:50 PV Power Project Sharing: A European SME Point of View
Reiner Haberstock, General Manager, Arnold Fasteners (Shenyang) Co,. Ltd.
16:50 – 17:10 Photovoltaic Power Case Study
Mirko Turrina, General Manager, Goglio (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd.
17:10 – 17:30 Q&A session
>>> Click here to register

Open Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in China
The EU SME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China are pleased to invite European SMEs to a comprehensive exploration into China’s research and development landscape. The webinar will explain China’s current incentives for promoting innovation and their potential impacts for European businesses. 
The event will also look into the findings of the recent report China’s Innovation Ecosystem: The Localisation Dilemma, which outlines the wide spectrum of strategies enterprises are deploying to mitigate risks and maximise their competitiveness.  
With this free webinar, gain insights from industry actors and analysts into the evolution of manufacturing in China and how innovation is reshaping production and supply chain dynamics.
>>> Click here to register

REPORT | China’s Wine Market(s): Drivers, Technical Requirements, and Opportunities for EU Producers
Over the past few years, the wine market in China has known a steady decrease in all indicators – consumption, imports, and domestic production. The trend had begun before the COVID-19 pandemic but was certainly exacerbated by it.
Despite going through a “self-adjustment” phase, China remains a large market that is highly relevant for European wine exporters. It is also a difficult market, especially due to the competition with wine exporters from other countries, some of which enjoy preferential trade agreements with China. 
Wine culture in the country has kept growing significantly and will continue to do so. Although 2023 has not shown signs of improvement, the Chinese wine market continues to present opportunities for EU wine producers. Knowing the market and being prepared to grasp existing opportunities are key factors of success. This new EU SME Centre report, published in partnership with the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, aims to equip European producers and exporters with the facts and figures they need to inform their decision-making.
>>> Read the Report

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